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GUI for .NET Programming
Creating and Using Forms and Controls : OpenEdge .NET form and control objects : Commonly-used .NET public form methods, properties, and events : Common .NET public form properties
Common .NET public form properties
The following table shows some of the more common .NET public form properties.
Table 4. Common .NET public form properties
Gets or sets the object reference to the button control on the form whose Click event is published when the user presses the ENTER key.
See Table 7.
Gets or sets an object reference to the button control on the form whose Click event is published when the user presses the ESC key.
See Table 7.
Gets or sets an ABL LOGICAL value that indicates if the control box icon is displayed in the caption (title) bar of the form. The control box is a system control that provides access to the system menu for the form. The icon used to represent it is specified by the Icon property.
See Table 7.
Gets or sets a System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult enumeration value that indicates the result of a form displayed as a dialog box. For more information, see Sample ABL-derived .NET modal dialog box.
Gets or sets a System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle enumeration value that indicates whether the form can be resized by the user and how the graphics of the frame border appear and function.
Gets or sets the object reference to a System.Drawing.Icon class instance that represents the icon displayed for the form on the taskbar and also the icon for the control box enabled by the ControlBox property.
Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Point structure that specifies the pixel screen coordinates of the upper-left-hand corner of a form.
Gets or sets the object reference to a System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip class instance that represents the primary menu container for the form.
Gets or sets an ABL LOGICAL value indicating whether the Maximize button is displayed in the title bar of the form.
Gets or sets an ABL LOGICAL value indicating whether the Minimize button is displayed in the title bar of the form.
Gets an ABL LOGICAL value indicating if the form is displayed modally (as a dialog box).
Gets or sets the form that owns this form. OpenEdge also allows .NET forms to own ABL windows and for ABL windows to own .NET forms using the ABL PARENT attribute. For more information, see Using.NET Forms with ABL Windows.
Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Size structure that specifies the width and height of the form in pixels.
Gets or sets an ABL CHARACTER value that represents the title displayed in the title (caption) bar of the form.
Gets or sets an ABL LOGICAL value that indicates whether the form is visible or can be displayed on the screen. The form Show( ) method also sets this property to TRUE. You do not always need to initialize this property to TRUE in order to initially display the form, depending on how you block for input on the form. For more information, see ABL support for managing .NET forms and controls.
Other common properties for controls might also apply to forms. For more information, see Table 7.