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GUI for .NET Programming
Creating and Using Forms and Controls : OpenEdge .NET form and control objects : Commonly-used .NET public control methods, properties, and events : Common .NET public control properties
Common .NET public control properties
The following table shows some of the more common .NET public control properties.
Table 7. Common .NET public control properties
Gets or sets a System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles enumeration value that specifies the edges of the container to which a control is bound and determines how a control is resized with its parent container.
Note: This property is mutually exclusive with and manages somewhat different behavior than the Dock property. The last property that you set takes precedence over the other.
Gets or sets an ABL INTEGER value that specifies the pixel distance between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of the client area of its control container.
Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Rectangle structure that specifies the location and size of the control or control container within the client area of its control container. For a form, the container is the screen area.
Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Size structure that specifies the client area of the control or control container. The client area is everything within the bounds of the control or control container except non-client elements, such as the title bar of a form.
Gets the object reference to the System.Windows.Forms.ControlCollection class instance for the form or other control container. Every .NET form or control container has a control collection where you can add or remove all the application controls that the form or control container contains, such as button, text, grid, and menu controls that you create and initialize for the form or control container. For more information on working with control collections, see Workingwith collections.
Gets or sets a System.Windows.Forms.DockStyles enumeration value that specifies which borders of the control are docked to its parent container and determines how a control is resized with its parent.
Note: This property is mutually exclusive with and manages somewhat different behavior than the Anchor property. The last property that you set takes precedence over the other.
Gets or sets an ABL LOGICAL value indicating whether the control can respond to user interaction.
Gets or sets the font for the control or control container.
Gets or sets an ABL INTEGER value that specifies the pixel height of the control.
Gets or sets an ABL INTEGER value that specifies the pixel distance between the left edge of the control and the left edge of the client area of its control container.
Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Point structure that specifies the pixel coordinates of the upper-left-hand corner of the control within the client area of its parent control container.
Gets or sets the object reference to a System.Windows.Forms.Control instance that is the parent form or control container for the control.
Gets or sets an ABL INTEGER value that specifies the pixel distance between the right edge of the control and the left edge of the client area of its control container.
Gets or sets a System.Drawing.Size structure that specifies the width and height of the control or control container in pixels.
Gets or sets an ABL INTEGER value that specifies the zero(0)-based tab order of the control within its control container. TabIndex values do not have to be contiguous. .NET simply observes the INTEGER order of the specified values.
Gets or sets an ABL LOGICAL value indicating if the control participates in the tab order.
Note: This property is always TRUE for an instance of any System.Windows.Form class (including Progress.Windows.Form).
Gets or sets an ABL CHARACTER value that represents a string value displayed for the control or control container, as defined for the particular control or control container.
Gets or sets an ABL INTEGER value that specifies the pixel distance between the top edge of the control and the top edge of the client area of its control container.
Gets or sets an ABL LOGICAL value that indicates whether the control or control container is visible to the user. The control or control container Show( ) method also sets this property to TRUE.
Gets or sets an ABL INTEGER value that specifies the pixel width of the control.