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.NET Open Clients
Accessing Proxy Properties : Alphabetical listing of properties : PROGRESS.Session.TcpKeepAliveTime


Data Type:


Session model:

Indicates the duration (in milliseconds), during which the TCP connection between a .NET client and its corresponding AppServer remains idle before the client sends a TCP KeepAlive message to the AppServer. You can customize the time duration by any of the following methods:
*Setting the value of the property in the .NET application configuration file. For more information, see the section on checking for failed client connections section in OpenEdge Application Server: Administration.
*Passing the value as an integer parameter in the setTcpKeepAliveProperty method. If a user passes an invalid value for the parameter, TcpKeepAliveTime, the system takes the default value. For more information, see the section on checking for failed client connections section in OpenEdge Application Server: Administration.


7,200,000 ms
Note: For more information about the parameter, see Microsoft Windows documentation.