Building a .NET Open Client application that uses a .NET proxy
Several steps are involved in building an Open Client application that uses a .NET proxy.
To build a client application that uses a .NET proxy:
1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
2. To build the client application on a machine other than the proxy machine, you must:
a. Copy the proxy assembly (.dll file) to a directory on the system.
b. Copy the OpenEdge .NET Open Client Runtime assemblies (Progress.o4glrt.dll, Progress.ssl.dll, and Progress.Messages.dll) and the message resource files from the ProxyGen output directory to a directory on the system or, if the assemblies are strong-named, you can install them into the .NET Global Assembly Cache. For information on strong-named assemblies, see Selecting a .NET Open Client Runtime package.
3. Create your client application as a project using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and ensure that the compiler version specified in the proxy is the same compiler version used to develop the client application.
4. Add to your client application project a reference to the proxy assembly (.dll file).
5. If you selected the Delay Sign option in the .NET Client Details group of the ProxyGen Generate Proxies dialog box, you must complete the signing process for the proxy using the private/public key pair. For details, see the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Documentation on the Strong Name Tool (sn.exe).
6. To your client application project, add a reference to the main Open Client Runtime assembly, Progress.o4glrt.dll. See Step 2 for the location.
7. Write, compile, and execute the client application. (This is the focus of the remainder of this book.)
Note: For information on creating a .NET client application, see the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Documentation.