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.NET Open Clients
Accessing Proxy Properties : Application configuration file

Application configuration file

You can control some of the capabilities of a client application using an application configuration file. This allows the application capabilities to be modified without requiring any changes to the client code. The application configuration file is optional; if none is provided, the default behavior is used.
For a list of the properties that you can set in the configuration file, see Alphabeticallisting of properties.
To create an application configuration file, you can define an XML file for the application, with the extension .config. For example, if the client application is named MyApp.exe, create an XML file named MyApp.exe.config (in the same directory as the .exe file). A sample application configuration file follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
       <add key="PROGRESS.Session.LoggingLevel" value="2" />
       <add key="PROGRESS.Session.EnableTracing" value="0" />
For more information about application configuration files in .NET, see the Microsoft .NET documentation.