Client application
1. Creates input ResultSet object
2. Passes ResultSet object as a parameter to proxy
3. Uses methods on the input ResultSet object
4. Passes input data to the AppServer
Client application
1.Creates holder object for the output ResultSet
2. Passes holder object to proxy
3. Gets output data from the AppServer
4. Creates output ResultSet object and stores it in holder object
5. Returns to client
6. Uses methods on the ResultSet contained in the holder object
Client Application
1. Creates holder object
2. Creates input ResultSet object and stores it in holder
3. Passes holder object to proxy
4. Uses methods on the ResultSet in the holder object to get data
5. Passes input data to the AppServer
6. Gets output data from the AppServer
7. Creates output ResultSet object and stores it in holder object
8. Returns to client
9. Uses methods on the ResultSet in the holder object to get data