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Java Open Clients
Accessing ABL ProDataSets : ProDataGraphMetaData class

ProDataGraphMetaData class

OpenEdge provides a Java class, com.progress.open4gl.ProDataGraphMetaData, that allows you to specify and access the schema (meta data) for a ProDataGraph object. Before you can instantiate a ProDataGraph object, you must first define its meta data. You can derive the meta data from an existing Java SDO DataGraph or specify the meta data directly using a ProDataGraphMetaData object. For more information on instantiating ProDataGraph objects, see ProDataGraphclass.
The ProDataGraphMetaData must contain one or more ProDataObjectMetaData objects to specify the meta data for one or more temp-tables (ProDataObject collections) defined for the ProDataGraph (see ProDataObjectMetaData class).
If the ProDataGraph contains more than one ProDataObjectMetaData object, the ProDataGraphMetaData can also contain zero or more ProDataRelationMetaData objects. A ProDataRelationMetaData object defines a relationship between a parent and child ProDataObject collection (see ProDataRelationMetaData class).
The com.progress.open4gl.ProDataGraphMetaData class contains the following constructor and methods.
* Constructor
* Methods