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Java Open Clients
Passing Temp-tables as SQL ResultSet Parameters : Preparing and managing temp-table parameters

Preparing and managing temp-table parameters

Java clients can access ABL TABLE or TABLE-HANDLE parameters using the following Java classes and interfaces:
*INPUT parameters — Any class that implements the java.sql.ResultSet interface.
*OUTPUT parameters — An instance of java.sql.ResultSetHolder, which contains a class that implements the com.progress.open4gl.ProResultSet interface, which extends the java.sql.ResultSet interface.
*INPUT-OUTPUT parameters — An instance of the com.progress.open4gl.ResultSetHolder class that contains a reference to a client-supported java.sql.ResultSet object instance. On output, the ResultSetHolder contains an instance of com.progress.open4gl.ProResultSet.
For more information on the java.sql.ResultSet interface, see the relevant JavaSoft publications.
OpenEdge provides the abstract class, com.progress.open4gl.InputResultSet, which provides part of an implementation of java.sql.ResultSet. You can extend this class to implement your own input ResultSet objects. For more information, see Passing a TABLE or TABLE-HANDLE as an INPUT parameter.
The java.sql.ResultSet interface allows you to get the values of columns in the underlying temp-table. The extensions in the ProResultSet interface allow you to get the values of ABL fields, especially array fields, in a more ABL-like manner. For more information on how to access column and field values using the ProResultSet interface, see Accessing TABLE or TABLE-HANDLE parameters as OUTPUT.
* Data type mapping for temp-table fields
* Accessing temp-table array fields