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Java Open Clients
Passing Temp-tables as SQL ResultSet Parameters : Passing a TABLE or TABLE-HANDLE as an OUTPUT parameter : Accessing TABLE or TABLE-HANDLE parameters as OUTPUT

Accessing TABLE or TABLE-HANDLE parameters as OUTPUT

For both output TABLE and TABLE-HANDLE parameters and INPUT-OUTPUT TABLE and TABLE-HANDLE parameters (on output), you must obtain the output ProResultSet object from the ResultSetHolder class and call its methods to get the data. As explained previously, com.progress.open4gl.ProResultSet extends the java.sql.ResultSet interface.
In addition to the standard flat model for viewing individual columns presented by ResultSet objects, ProResultSet allows you to view the object using the ABL array model, which presents a temp-table as individual fields that can contain arrays. You can choose the model that is most natural or convenient. For more information on the ABL field model, see OpenEdge Development: Open Client Introduction and Programming.
* Standard methods in the ProResultSet interface
* ProResultSet interface extensions to java.sql.ResultSet