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Java Open Clients
Using SmartDataObjects from Java Clients : Working with SDOResultSet objects : Meta data methods : Nonstandard meta data methods [extension]
Nonstandard meta data methods [extension]
SDOResultSetMetaData extensions to the standard interface include the following features:
*Methods that expose meta data information that exists in the schema of the OpenEdge database but does not have an equivalent standard (for example, getColumnInitialValue())
*Methods that expose ABL-to-Java mapping information (for example, getColumnJavaTypeName())
Note: The SDOResultSetMetaData interface also hides SmartDataObject system fields. SmartDataObject system fields are fields (such as changedFieldsList) that are used only by the SmartDataObject implementation code. They have no meaning for the Open Client and should not be accessed directly.
The following table lists the supported nonstandard SDOResultSetMetaData methods.
Table 30. Nonstandard SDOResultSetMetaData methods
String getColumnFormat
(int column) [Extension]
The ABL dictionary display format
String getColumnInitalValue
(int column) [Extension]
The ABL dictionary initial value as a string
String getColumnJavaTypeName
(int column) [Extension]
The Java type name
int getColumnProType
(int column) [Extension]
The ABL data type number. The return value corresponds to one of the class constants defined in com.progress.open4gl.Parameter. For more information, see Passing parameters.
String getColumnValExp
(int column) [Extension]
The ABL dictionary validation expression
String getColumnValMsg
(int column) [Extension]
The ABL dictionary validation message