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Internationalizing Applications
Developing Applications for Deployment Worldwide : How OpenEdge supports internationalization : OpenEdge Translation Manager System

OpenEdge Translation Manager System

The OpenEdge Translation Manager System—the Translation Manager and the Visual Translator— supports the translation of OpenEdge applications, including the graphical or character interface and application code. These tools offer a visual image of how the user interface will appear. The semantic and spatial context allows the translator to better resolve usage questions when translating text phrases.
A project manager responsible for localization of an application can use the Translation Manager to maintain glossaries and create a translation kit that packages an application's text elements, such as user-interface labels and messages. The tool places all translatable strings into a translation database. It also provides filters to limit the set of strings to just those the translator requires.
The Visual Translator is the tool for the translator. It allows the translator to visualize text strings in the context of the user interface. The translator can make optimal choices and resolve text-expansion issues immediately. For more information, see OpenEdge Development: Translation Manager and OpenEdge Development: Visual Translator.