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Internationalizing Applications
Preparing the Code : Sorting data : Using collation tables : Database collation
Database collation
A database has a collation table stored as part of its schema information. The collation table that is stored in the database does not affect how the OpenEdge client or server compares or sorts CHARACTER data (except for indexed data); it controls only how indexes are sorted and assigned. Similarly, a collation table specified by -cpcoll does not affect the internal collation order that a database uses for its indexes.
OpenEdge supplies collation tables for databases for many languages and locales. These are located in the OpenEdge/prolang subdirectories. For languages that have one commonly used collation table, the table is contained in the _tran.df file in the language subdirectory. If more than one collation table is common, each is contained in a data definition (.df) file named for the table's corresponding code page. To change the collation table associated with a database, load the appropriate data definition file and rebuild your indexes.
For more information on collations and collation tables, see Understanding Character Processing Tables. For information on using ICU collations as database collations, see Using Databases,