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Messaging and ESB
ABL - JMS API Reference : stopReceiveMessages procedure

stopReceiveMessages procedure

Causes the OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ Broker to stop receiving messages on behalf of the OpenEdge client.


PROCEDURE stopReceiveMessages.

Applies to

Session objects


*A subsequent call to startReceiveMessagesprocedure resumes message reception and delivery.
*If this procedure is called in a pubsubsession object and the subscription is not durable, messages published while reception is stopped are not delivered.
*A single message that was already sent to the client before stopReceiveMessagesprocedure was called might be received by the client after stopReceiveMessagesprocedure call.
*This procedure executes remotely (sends a message to the OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ).

See also

startReceiveMessagesprocedure, stopReceiveMessagesprocedure
For more information, see the Establishing session control.