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Messaging and ESB
Guidelines for Using and Programming for the OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB : Native Invocation methodology : Declarative invocation files : Annotating ABL in OpenEdge Architect
Annotating ABL in OpenEdge Architect
OpenEdge Architect's annotation capabilities include the creation of ESB Native Invocation annotations and the generation of .esboe files. See Configuring OpenEdge Architect for ESB annotations to verify that OpenEdge Architect is configured to generate Native Invocation annotations. Once you have configured your project, you are ready to annotate your ABL source code. OpenEdge Architect provides several different methods:
*ABL Editor — You can add annotations by editing your ABL source and typing in the required information. You must match the syntax defined in Annotationsyntax.
Note: You can also start the Annotation wizard from the ABL Editor. Right mouse-click, and select Source > Add Annotation to invoke the wizard.
*Annotation wizard — You can annotate multiple source files at once with the Annotation wizard.
*Adding annotations from Outline view — You can add an annotation to a selected procedure or function from the Outline view.