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Error Handling
Preface : Organization


Introductionto Condition Handling
Provides an overview of the two ABL error handling models: traditional error handling and structured error handling.
ABL BlockEssentials
Summarizes essential block information critical to understanding error handling use cases.
TraditionalError Handling
Provides complete documentation on the traditional error handling model.
STOPand QUIT Condition Handling
Documents the STOP and QUIT conditions.
UsingStructured Error Handling
Describes how structured error handling is both a new model and a model that expands the features of traditional error handling.
UsingABL Error Classes
Describes the hierarchy of built-in ABL classes that represent error objects.
HandlingErrors with CATCH Blocks
Provides in-depth information on using CATCH block to handle errors.
Raisingerrors with THROW
Provides more complex use cases for the THROW directive.
UsingFINALLY End Blocks
Describes how to use the FINALLY block for end of block processing.