The Schema > Modify Table option allows you to change the structure of a table.
When you choose this option, the Data Dictionary alphabetically lists all the tables defined for your database. After you select a table, a window similar to the one shown in the following figure appears.
Figure 21. Modify Table window
The Modify Table window contains the following fields:
Table Name —Specifies the name of the table. Table names can be up to 32 characters long and can consist of alphabetic characters, digits, and the characters $, &, #, %, -, and _. In addition, table names must begin with a letter (A–Z or a–z). You cannot use reserved ABL keywords as table names. Table names are not case sensitive.
Multi-tenant — For databases enabled for multi-tenancy, yes for a multi-tenant table, no otherwise.
Keep Area for Default Tenant — For databases enabled for multi-tenancy, yes if there is an area for the default tenant.
Area/Default Area — Displays the name of the storage area. The Area Name is assigned to a table when it is created. Because the Table Name cannot be updated, this field is disabled.
Dump File — Specifies the file to which you want to dump the table contents. The name must be unique among the other tables in the database and can be up to 32 characters long. The default filename is the table name.
Table Type — Displays the table type.
Hidden — Specifies if the table is a hidden table. The default value is no.
Label — Specifies the label used in error messages.
Frozen — Specifies if the table is frozen. You can freeze or unfreeze a table using the Freeze/Unfreeze option from the Utilities menu. When a table is frozen, you can only view its properties. The actual record data is not frozen, only the data definitions.
Owner — Displays the user ID of the table owner. This information is necessary for manipulating certain DataServers.
Record Size — Specifies the size of the record used for DataServers with fixed-length records.
Replication — Specifies the name of the procedure that performs the replication for this table. For more information, see the chapter on data replication in OpenEdge Data Management: Database Administration.
DataServer Name — Specifies the table name in the appropriate DataServer database if the table is not an OpenEdge table.
DB Link — Specifies the link name for the distributed ORACLE database.
Description — Describes the table contents.
The following sections describe the options that appear at the bottom of the window.