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Basic Database Tools
Table Tasks : Dumping table contents : Dumping data from a multi-tenant database

Dumping data from a multi-tenant database

If you are logged in as a super-tenant to a multi-tenant database, the process of dumping table data allows you to choose between all tables, multi-tenant tables, or shared tables. If you choose to dump the contents of a multi-tenant table, you are required you to specify an effective tenant, as follows:
To dump table contents from a multi-tenant table:
1. Choose Admin > Dump Data and Definitions > Table Contents (.d files) from the menu bar. The Data Dictionary alphabetically lists all the tables defined for your database (hidden tables do not display).
2. Select the table names whose contents you want to dump. Use the Select Some and Deselect Some buttons to select or deselect groups of tables. You can narrow your selection by choosing only Multi-tenant tables or only Shared tables.
3. Press GO.
4. Identify the Effective Tenant of the data being dumped. You can enter a name, or choose from a list with Select Tenant.
5. Use Default Location is selected by default, and indicates that data is to be dumped in a subdirectory named after the effective tenant. You can use the current directory as your starting point, or specify a different directory in the Root Directory field.
If you deselect Use Default Location, then Root Directory is inactive, and you must specify the output file.
6. If your table contains large objects, accept the Include LOB default of yes; otherwise, choose no.
7. If you deselected Use Default Location in 5step 5, type in the LOB directory field is active and allows you to specify a directory for your LOBs.
8. If you want to use character mapping, enter the character mapping, then choose OK. See OpenEdge Development: Internationalizing Applications for information about character mapping, PROTERMCAP, and national language support.
9. Specify the code page or accept the default.
10. Choose OK to dump the data contents file(s). The Data Dictionary displays each table name as it writes the table contents to the table contents file. After dumping the table contents, the Data Dictionary displays a status message. Choose OK to return to the Data Dictionary window.
Note: For more information on multi-tenant databases, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Multi-tenancy Overview.