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Debugging and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Resources : Log Entry Types Detail : Dynamic object logging : Logging levels for dynamic objects : Basic logging level (2)
Basic logging level (2)
The log entries for logging level 2 (Basic) include the following information, and any level above 1 (Errors) logs this information:
*Action — For objects, this is Created, Deleted, or Delete Pending. For MEMPTRs, this is Allocated or Deallocated.
*Object type — For example, BUFFER, SERVER, or BUTTON.
*Handle valueHandle: followed by the INTEGER value of the handle (0 for MEMPTRs).
*Routine name — The name of the .p or .w file or method where this application created or destroyed the object.
*Line number — The line number in the .p or .w file or method where the application created or destroyed the object. This line number comes from the debugger listing file. When the AVM creates a SOCKET object implicitly, the line number always is 0.
For other implicitly created objects, the line number is meaningful. For example, for an ASYNC-REQUEST handle, it is the line number of the RUN statement.
*IMPLICIT — Appears when the AVM created the object implicitly.
*POOLDEL — Appears when the AVM deleted the object because it was deleting the object's object pool.
*Other — For specific object types, the log output line includes other attributes, including:
*Name: followed by the object name. For BUFFER objects, the Name attribute is the name of the table associated with the buffer, so the entry contains Table: followed by the table name.
*TEMP-TABLE objects do not show the Name attribute. This information is not available when the application creates the TEMP-TABLE object, but only after it invokes the TEMP-TABLE-PREPARE method.
*The allocation’s size, for MEMPTRs.
*The procedure name for PROCEDURE objects.
*The name of the procedure associated with an ASYNC-REQUEST-HANDLE object (that is, the procedure that ran asynchronously).
*The Label attribute for BROWSE-COLUMN objects, if there is no Name attribute (for example, for calculated fields). Also, to identify the browse parenting the column, the log entry includes the BROWSE name or BROWSE handle ID.
Here are sample BASIC log entries (with headers suppressed):

[05/10/31@14:07:15.892-0400] P-002702 T-002867 2 4GL DYNOBJECTS
Created MENU Handle:1098 (x.p Line 4)
[05/10/31@14:07:15.892-0400] P-002702 T-002867 2 4GL DYNOBJECTS
Deleted MENU Handle:1098 (x.p Line 5)

Created BROWSE Handle:1139 (y.p Line 29)
[05/10/31@14:07:17.908-0400] P-002702 T-002867 2 4GL DYNOBJECTS
Created BROWSE Handle:1139 (y.p Line 29)
[05/10/31@14:07:17.908-0400] P-002702 T-002867 2 4GL DYNOBJECTS
Created BROWSE-COLUMN Handle:1143 (y.p Line 63) Name: Cust-Num [Browse Handle:1139]

[05/10/31@14:07:17.908-0400] P-002702 T-002867 2 4GL DYNOBJECTS
Created BUFFER Handle:1144 (y.p Line 70) IMPLICIT Table:item

[05/10/31@14:07:15.892-0400] P-002702 T-002867 2 4GL DYNOBJECTS
Deleted MENU Handle:1098 (x.p Line 5) POOLDEL