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Debugging and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Resources : Log Entry Types Detail : Dynamic object logging

Dynamic object logging

Specifying a dynamic object log entry type turns on logging of dynamic object creation and deletion. The following table lists the dynamic object log entry types and their associated objects.
Table 39. Dynamic objects that are logged
Log entry type
Type of objects logged
Objects logged
Logs the creation and deletion of classes for:
Database-related objects
Note: For BUFFERs, QUERYs, and TEMP-TABLEs, does not include handles for static objects. For BUFFER objects, the log file includes the table name associated with the buffer.
Objects that do not fall into the other groups
Note: For ASYNC-REQUEST, the log entry includes the procedure name in the RUN statement. For MEMPTR variables, logs an entry each time memory is allocated or freed. The log entry includes the allocation size (in bytes), and the handle ID always is 0. For PROCEDUREs, does not includes handles for non-persistent procedures (for example, THIS-PROCEDURE). The log entry includes the name of the persistent procedure.
User-interface- related objects
Note: For all objects, the log entry includes the object name, when available. For BROWSE-COLUMNs, the log entry does not include handles associated with static browse objects. If there is no value for the Name attribute (for calculated fields, for example), the log entry contains the Label attribute. Also, includes the BROWSE name, or the BROWSE handle, if there is no name.
XML-related objects
* Logging dynamic object creation and deletion
* Deleted objects
* Objects created and deleted implicitly
* Logging levels for dynamic objects