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WebClient Applications
Deploying an Application : Choosing an installation method : Using a combination of IntelliStream and an external installer : Providing an uninstall
Providing an uninstall
You must provide an uninstall for your application when you use a combination of IntelliStream and an external installer. Your uninstall must remove all parts of the application installed and all registry entries made by the external installer. However, before performing these tasks, the uninstall must first run WebClient Initializer to remove any updates and registry entries made by IntelliStream. To call WebClient Initializer, use the following command syntax:
ProwciniPath { "<VendorName>/<ApplicationName>"-u }[ -nonadmin ]
The complete path, including filename, to the WebClient Initializer executable. This pathname is stored by the WebClient installer as the ProwciniPath registry key value.
A unique identifier for an application. The values for VendorName and ApplicationName match the values you specify in the General tab of the WebClient Application Assembler when you define your application. WebClient Initializer uses these values to locate information about the WebClient application to perform the application uninstall.
This option specifies that you are uninstalling a personal instance. You must include this option to uninstall a personal instance.