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WebClient Applications
Your End Users' Experience : WebClient Application Manager : Edit dialog : General tab
General tab
The General tab displays mostly read-only information about the application. However, you can use this tab to have your users add startup parameters for the application. The information displayed reflects the status of the application the last time it was run on this system.
The fields that appear in the General tab vary depending on whether or not you use the WebClient Application Assembler to define the deployment. The following figures show the difference in the information displayed.
Figure 4. General tab without WebClient Application Assembler info
Figure 5. General tab with WebClient Application Assembler info
For all applications, the following fields appear in the General tab:
*Vendor name — Name of the application provider.
*Application Dir — Local directory where the application is installed, which the application uses as its execution working directory.
*Application Version — Current version of the application.
*WebClient Version — Version of WebClient used to run the application.
*Additional Startup Parameters — Editable field that allows the user to enter any well-formed list of OpenEdge startup parameters using the syntax you provide to them. For more information on the available startup parameters, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.
Your users might use these parameters to improve performance specific to this user. WebClient Initializer appends all startup parameters specified in this field to the end of the list of startup parameters already specified.
If the application installation was not defined with the WebClient Application Assembler, as shown in Figure 5 above, the following additional fields appear in the General tab:
*ProwcApp File — URL for the configuration file used to install and start the application
*ProwcApp Version — Version number used for the benefit of the ISV
If the application installation was defined with the WebClient Application Assembler, as shown in Figure 4, the following additional fields appear in the General tab:
*Configuration File — URL for the configuration file used to install and start the application. This file (-prowcapp) specifies the name of the WebClient configuration file (.prowcapp) used when deploying an application. The WebClient Application Assembler creates and downloads this configuration file to the end user's machine each time a WebClient application starts. This file provides all the information necessary for the WebClient application. You refer to this file with the following syntax:
-prowcapp filename
Where filename represents the pathname of the application configuration file (.prowcapp).
*Local Config File — Pathname of the configuration file cached on the end user's machine.
*System Tasks Version — Current version of system tasks as defined in the WebClient Application Assembler.
*ABL Install Proc Version — Current version of the ABL install procedure as defined in the WebClient Application Assembler.
*External Install Version — Current version of the external installer as defined in the WebClient Application Assembler.
Caution: WebClient Application Manager does not validate the data the user enters.