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Building OpenEdge Executables : Building executables in Windows : Preparing the Windows software environment

Preparing the Windows software environment

When you install OpenEdge, the installation program prepares the software environment. In the Windows software environment, OpenEdge uses the progress.ini file as well as the Registry to maintain environment variables.
The OEBuild script calls the progress.ini file. The progress.ini file sets default values for environment variables that define objects, libraries, and options required for building executables in Windows. You can edit the progress.ini file to customize environments at different sites.
When you install OpenEdge, the installation program automatically updates the Registry with the information in the progress.ini file that is shipped to you. Progress Software Corporation recommends that you maintain environment variables in both the progress.ini file and the Registry. If you modify environment variables in the progress.ini file, you must update the information in the Registry.
Although there are several methods for adding and deleting information from the Registry directly, Progress Software Corporation recommends that you do not use these direct update methods. Instead, maintain the Registry information by editing the progress.ini file and using the INI2REG utility to update the Registry. This approach synchronizes the information in the progress.ini file and the Registry without causing unintended edits to the Registry.
The OEBuild script has the following software and environment requirements:
*Setting OpenEdge environment variables. Set DLC to the directory where OpenEdge is installed.
*Including the appropriate environment variables for your system in the progress.ini file (located in the C:\Progress\OpenEdge\bin directory, by default) and the Registry.
*Installing the Microsoft® Visual C++® .NET compiler on the system.
*Adding the path to the C++ compiler and the linker command (link.exe) to the PATH environment variable.
For information about Windows environment variables, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Installation and Configuration. For more information about maintaining environment variables in the progress.ini file and the Registry, and using the INI2REG utility, see the sections on maintaining the Windows user environment in MaintainingUser Environments.