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Building OpenEdge Executables

Building OpenEdge Executables

When you purchase an OpenEdge® product, you receive a set of executable files, database files, and other files that are necessary to run the product on your system. In most cases, the files included in your initial product installation fulfill your system requirements. However, you might need to customize an OpenEdge executable by adding or removing product capabilities. For example, you might need to call a custom C function or access a non-OpenEdge data source. When you need to customize an OpenEdge executable, use the OEBuild utility. The OEBuild utility is a set of scripts that you use to build customized versions of certain OpenEdge executables. This appendix provides information about the process and requirements for building customized OpenEdge executables. It also provides instructions for using the OEBuild utility scripts on UNIX and in Windows.
Note: This appendix describes how to customize an OpenEdge client to access a custom C function. For an OpenEdge client to access an OpenEdge DataServer for Oracle®, you must also build a customized executable. For more information, see OpenEdge Data Management: DataServer for Oracle.
* Requirements
* Building executables on UNIX
* Building executables in Windows
* Troubleshooting