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Building OpenEdge Executables : Building executables on UNIX : Preparing the UNIX software environment

Preparing the UNIX software environment

When you install OpenEdge, the installation program prepares the software environment. In the UNIX software environment, OpenEdge uses the buildenv script to maintain environment variables.
The OEBuild utility script calls the script. The script sets default values for environment variables that point to objects, libraries, and options involved in linking executables. You can edit this script to customize environments for different sites.
The OEBuild script has the following software and environment requirements:
*Building the executable on the same platform on which it is to be run.
*Installing a linker on your system. The PATH environment variable contains the path to the C++ compiler and the linker.
*Setting OpenEdge environment variables. Set DLC to the directory where you have installed OpenEdge.
*Including appropriate environment variable settings for your system in the script, which is located in the $DLC/oebuild/make directory.
For more information about UNIX environment variables, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Installation and Configuration. For more information on maintaining environment variables in the buildenv script, see .