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Managing ABL Applications
R-code Features and Functions : R-code execution : Memory-mapped r-code execution environment : Memory-mapped execution environment limits
Memory-mapped execution environment limits
The amount of memory-mapped r-code that you can run at one time and how much shared memory it uses are determined by the following factors:
*R-code directory size — The default is 100 entries, the minimum is five entries, and the maximum is 2,147,483,647. You can set the initial number of entries using the Directory Size (-D) startup parameter. OpenEdge dynamically increases the directory size up to the maximum, as required. Use the Hardlimit (-hardlimit) startup parameter to force OpenEdge to adhere to the limit specified by the Directory Size (-D) startup parameter.
*Available memory — The number of memory-mapped procedure libraries you can have open is limited by the amount of shared memory available on the system.