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Managing ABL Applications
Deployment Considerations : Initial Deployment : Deploying OpenEdge GUI for .NET applications : Installing .NET Framework
Installing .NET Framework
Any client machine running the GUI for .NET requires .NET Framework 3.0 or later. When deploying a GUI for .NET application, you must check for an appropriate version and install the framework if necessary. The OpenEdge installer has an option to install .NET Framework 3.0 if it is missing. If you create your own custom installation package for a GUI for .NET application, it must check for and, if necessary, install an appropriate version of the framework before it installs OpenEdge.
Note: Microsoft requires users to accept an EULA before installing the .NET Framework. The Microsoft EULA appears during the OpenEdge installation if the framework is installed. This prevents silent installs on client machines that do not already have an appropriate version of the framework.
If your application makes extensive use of the GUI for .NET, consider using the Preload CLR (-preloadCLR) startup parameter to force the .NET CLR and any specified assemblies to load at startup. For more information on -preloadCLR, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.