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Managing ABL Applications
Deployment Considerations : Initial Deployment : Deploying OpenEdge GUI for .NET applications : Deploying application source code
Deploying application source code
As in other ABL applications, your OpenEdge session uses the PROPATH to look for the ABL source code for a GUI for .NET application. A GUI for .NET application includes additional types of configuration and source code files to support the .NET controls. OpenEdge looks for these files in the assemblies directory.
The additional source code files include:
*OpenEdge internal assemblies — OpenEdge uses several assemblies to connect the ABL and .NET sides of the application. OpenEdge installs these assemblies in the OpenEdge-install-dir/bin directory.
*OpenEdge Ultra Controls for .NET — The GUI for .NET includes support for a set of .NET controls. The Ultra Controls are licensed separately for development environments. However, OpenEdge deployment products install assemblies containing run-time versions of these controls that do not require a separate license. OpenEdge installs these assemblies in the OpenEdge-install-dir/bin directory and looks for them there.
*ABL controls derived from .NET controls — OpenEdge handles an ABL class that inherits from a .NET class in the same way as every other ABL class. The application PROPATH must contain the class file or its r-code (.r or .pl).
*Application-specific assemblies — Application-specific assemblies might include third-party controls or your own custom .NET assemblies. You can install these assemblies in the .NET Global Assembly Cache (GAC) or in the application's assemblies directory.
*.NET Resource Files — Some .NET controls require resource files (.resx) to operate. Deploy resource files to the same directory as the assemblies containing the controls that require the resource file.
*.NET Icons and Bitmaps — If a .NET control uses .NET icons (.ico) and bitmaps (.bmp), the icons and bitmaps generally should be in the same directory as the code for the controls that use them.
The additional configuration files include:
*Assembly References file — The Assembly References file (assemblies.xml) lists all the assemblies used by a GUI for .NET application. You must deploy this file in the application's assemblies directory. For more information on assemblies.xml, see .NET Framework.
*Assemblies Application Configuration file — An Assemblies Application Configuration file (assemblies.config) is a means to alter how specific assemblies are loaded in exceptional situations. You must deploy this file in the application's assemblies directory. For more information on assemblies.config, see .NET assemblies.
*Application Configuration file — OpenEdge might require an Application Configuration file (prow32.exe.config) to configure its internal assemblies. If one is needed, OpenEdge provides the file and installs it in OpenEdge-install-dir/bin.
Note: You should never use or modify this file directly.