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Managing ABL Applications
R-code Features and Functions : Database CRCs and time stamps : CRC versus time stamp validation : Database changes that affect time stamps
Database changes that affect time stamps
You must recompile procedures that reference a database table in which you have made any of the following changes:
*Deleted the table
*Changed the table name
*Changed the database language or authorization key
*Added or deleted a field in the table
*Changed the name or order of a field
*Added or deleted an index
*Modified an index by changing its name, uniqueness, field components, collation order, or the abbreviation option
Note: Changes in order or position of the fields in tables of the dataserver database do not require recompilation of R-code.
Although you do not have to recompile procedures when you make other schema changes, such changes do not apply to procedures that you do not recompile. For example, changes to the following features appear only when you recompile:
*Field appearance — Format, label, column label, and decimal
*Data entry — Initial value, mandatory value, case sensitivity, validation expression, delete validation, and security
*User information — Help messages, validation messages, and description