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Building OpenEdge Executables : Building executables in Windows : Building a customized executable in Windows

Building a customized executable in Windows

This section contains instructions for building OpenEdge client or AppServer executables running in Windows to access custom C functions. The script is located in the oebuild/make directory under the root of your OpenEdge installation.
To build a Windows client executable:
1. Log in as Administrator and run the Proenv utility (StartProgramsOpenEdge Proenv) on a system where OpenEdge is installed. This sets the DLC variable.
2. Change directory to the OpenEdge make directory. For example:
proenv> cd %DLC%\oebuild\make
3. Set up the Microsoft Visual C++ environment by running vcvars32.bat. For example:
proenv> "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio         .NET\Vc7\bin\vcvars32.bat"
4. Make a backup copy of the original OEBuild link options script and the OpenEdge tie-in object used to access custom C functions, hlprodsp.o. There are three versions of the OEBuild link options script, depending on the OpenEdge client executable you plan to build:
* — OpenEdge GUI client executable
* — OpenEdge character client (or WebSpeed® agent) executable
* — AppServer agent executable
For example, to copy the original GUI OpenEdge client and OpenEdge tie-in object use the following commands:
proenv> copy
proenv> copy ..\obj\hlprodsp.obj ..\obj\hlprodsp.obj.orig
5. Edit the C source file for the OpenEdge tie-in object in order to tie in your C functions to ABL as explained in the source file comments. This file is located at the following path:
6. Compile the new tie-in object. For example:
proenv> cl -c -Fo ..\obj\hlprodsp.obj ..\hlc\hlprodsp.c
7. Edit the link options script for your executable (,, or to add customized objects and any necessary libraries to accommodate them on the link line. Save the file.
8. Run the link command to create a customized OpenEdge client dynamic link library (DLL). For example, to create a customized GUI OpenEdge client DLL:
proenv> link
9. Back up the original OpenEdge client DLL. For example:
proenv> copy %DLC%\bin\prow32.dll %DLC%\bin\prow32.dll.orig
10. Copy the customized OpenEdge client DLL into the installed bin directory. For example:
proenv> copy %DLC%\oebuild\make\prow32.dll %DLC%\bin\prow32.dll