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DataServer for Microsoft SQL Server
Initial Programming Considerations : Database design issues : OpenEdge sequences : Support for 64-bit sequences
Support for 64-bit sequences
The MS SQL Server DataServer supports the following changes for 64-bit sequences:
*An existing database sequence will remain defined as a 32-bit INTEGER and migrate as 32-bit, unless you explicitly choose to define a sequence as 64-bit INT64.
*The MS SQL Server DataServer can invoke a sequence function to process INT64 values through a standard implementation. That is, use GET, NEXT, and SET sequence functions to get or set an INT64 value.
*Starting with OpenEdge Release 10.1B, an OpenEdge database, by default, defines a Sequence field in the schema as an INT64 data type. Therefore, sequences migrated from a new OpenEdge database will automatically expand to support INT64 data types whereas previously they returned INTEGER values. You can override the INT64 return value using the INTEGER function. However, note that there is a potential for an overflow condition to occur if the target functionality expects an INTEGER value.
*When the MS SQL Server is the target database, and the sequence's upper limit is defined as the Unknown value (?) in the source database, the migration utility will specify the sequence's upper limit value as 922337203685775807. However, if support for large sequences is not enabled for an OpenEdge database, the sequence's upper limit value is specified as 2147483647.
*An overflow condition can occur and subsequently an error message can appear on a client machine when a sequence generator is defined as a 64-bit value, but the value loaded into a client is OpenEdge Release 10.1A or earlier.
*Native sequences in MS SQL Server can be pulled into the logical database of a schema holder and used as an OpenEdge sequence in an OpenEdge application. There are a number of numeric data types in SQL Server to which native sequences are allowed to be mapped. The Dictionary will allow native sequences of any valid type to be pulled into your schema holder logical database. However, if you want full compatibility with your OpenEdge sequences, use the default 64-bit data type with your native sequences.