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SQL Development
Configuring JVM

Configuring JVM

OpenEdge SQL uses Java Virtual Machine(JVM) to execute Triggers, Stored Procedures, and User Defined Functions. Users can specify parameters which should be used by JVM. JVM Parameters are the options that can be specified while starting Java using command line. Users, with privileges to create or edit configuration files, can customize JVM parameters to control the behavior of JVM. JVM parameters used by SQL server are logged to the <SQL_connection__<server-id>_<thread_id><ddmmmyyyy>_<hhmmss>.log>.lg file. Irrespective of whether the JVM parameters are specified in the configuration file, they are logged in the log file.
JVM parameters are fetched only while creating a JVM. All executions of user defined functions, triggers and stored procedures after the JVM is created, will follow the JVM parameters that were specified, in the SQL properties file, before creating the JVM. To initiate the JVM with new of different parameters, the JVM should be restarted after the SQL properties file is updated with the new or additional parameters.
* Specifying JVM parameters in a properties file