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RDBMS Stored Procedure Details : RUN STORED-PROCEDURE details : Syntax reference for RUN STORED-PROCEDURE

Syntax reference for RUN STORED-PROCEDURE

The following syntax shows the RUN STORED-PROC statement and all options that can be used with the statement. However, keep in mind that not all options shown can be used simultaneously.

[[LOAD-RESULT-INTO <handle> [<int> = PROC-STATUS]]|
     [<int> = PROC-HANDLE]]     
[ NO-ERROR ]    [([INPUT|OUTPUT|INPUT OUTPUT][PARAM parameter-name =]expression, ...
        [INPUT|OUTPUT|INPUT OUTPUT][PARAM parameter-name =]expression )]
Note: In the RUN STORED-PROCEDURE syntax, note that the <handle> is either a pure handle or a handle that points to a temp-table. For more information about using the temp-table handle with the LOAD-RESULT-INTO phrase, see CLOSESTORED-PROCEDURE statement.
[integer-field = PROC-STATUS ]
[ WHERE PROC-HANDLE = integer-field]
The CLOSE STORED-PROCEDURE is not used when the LOAD-RESULT-INTO keyword is used with the RUN STORED-PROCEDURE statement. See the .
For valid combinations and usage of these syntax elements, see:
*RUN STORED-PROC statement execution without the LOAD-RESULT-INTO phrase
*RUN STORED-PROC statement execution with the LOAD-RESULT-INTO phrase
*RUN STORED-PROC statement with send-sql-statement option
*RUN STORED-PROC statement with special internal option
The following sections describe the syntax elements and options in detail. These sections also present examples that describe typical situations in which you might use the various options that the RUN STORED-PROC statement supports.