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DataServer for Oracle
Configuring the DataServer : Creating, Maintaining, and Deploying a schema holder : Starting ProBroker distributed DataServer broker with SSL-enabled Progress Networking

Starting ProBroker distributed DataServer broker with SSL-enabled Progress Networking

The schema holder can run on the client or can optionally be located on any other host that is accessible on your network. The network can be configured to use an SSL or a non-SSL connection irrespective of remote or local DataServer configuration. The schema holder can also be established using SSL network protocol by using “-ssl” command line parameter as shown in the following example:
_mprosrv -S service-name -ssl
The dataServer client should also be instantiated with the “-ssl” parameter if you also wish to establish a DataServer broker connection over an SSL enabled Progress networking, as follows:
prowin32 -1 SHDB -S 12345 -ssl
db my_dsn -ld ldb -dt ORA -U mb -P mb -S ccall7sv1 -ssl
Note: The following SSL connections are established using the above instruction:
*Schema holder DB and Progress Client
*OE DataServer Client and DataServer Server
The following instructions use default executable names. If you built custom executables, substitute those names. When creating a schema holder, the startup syntax is the same whether you are running a local DataServer or using Oracle Networking.
* Non-default SSL certificates