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DataServer for Oracle
Connecting the DataServer : Connecting a schema holder : Analyzing application execution with Enhanced Logger : Setting the DataServer logging levels and log entry types
Setting the DataServer logging levels and log entry types
Client context log settings can be set using:
*Start-up parameters at client startup
*LOG-MANAGER system handles in client applications
Server context log settings can be set using:
*The -Dsrv switch at client startup or during a database connection
*DSLOG-MANAGER system handle in client applications
Setting all other DataServer log settings (-clientlog, -dslog, -numlogfiles, -logthreshold, and -logappend)
*Start-up parameters at client startup. These settings are shared with the server context when DataServers are connected self-service.
Note: Of these, -dslog is not shared but simply passed onto the server.
* specified for agents at AppServer startup.
Note: AppServer client context does not include the ability to forward a DataServer log file name onto the server context.
*LOG-MANAGER system handles in client applications.
Note: Client context does not include the ability to forward a DataServer log file name onto the server context.
Server context settings can be set using:
*ProBroker startup parameters (-dslog, -numlogfiles, -logthreshold, -logappend)
*Unified-Broker DataServer instance attributes (srvrDSLogFile, srvrNumLogFiles, srvrLogThreshold, srvrLogAppend)
Note: DSLOG-MANAGER system handle can be used in client applications to return the above settings but cannot modify them.
For more information on LOG-MANAGER and DSLOG-MANAGER startup parameters, see the LOG-MANAGER and DSLOG-MANAGER entriesinOpenEdge Development: ABL Reference and OpenEdge Development: Debugging and Troubleshooting.