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DataServer for Oracle
Connecting the DataServer : Connecting a schema holder : Analyzing application execution with Enhanced Logger : Log entry types
Log entry types
Log entry types represent categories of information you can write to a log file. You can categorize the information into server and client contexts. The log entry types in the client context are applicable to DataServer clients, ABL clients, AppServer agents and WebSpeed agents. However, the log entry types in the server context are applicable only to DataServer brokers.
The degree of detail written to the log file is determined by the logging level. For more information on logging levels, see Logging levels.
The following table lists the DataServer log entry types in the client context.
Table 49. DataServer Log entry types (Client context)
Log entry type

Logs messages about client processing for SQL queries. By default, setting the DS.QryInfo log entry type in the client context will automatically set the SQL log entry type in the server context.

Logs client-side cursor details. By default, setting the DS.Cursor log entry type in the client context will automatically set the Cursor log entry type in the server context.

Logs client-side transaction details. Level 4 of the entry type writes client context information to the log file specific to DataServers. Output from the 4GLTrans log entry type can supplement output of the TRANS log entry type in the server context.
Logs client-side connection details. Level 3 of this log entry type logs the -Dsrv connection switch values in the server context.
Logs client-side performance details. Levels 2,3, and 4 of the performance entry type generate log outputs at the session level, connection level, and individual round trip levels respectively.
For more information on log entry types of the DataServer client context and other log entry types specific to the client context, see OpenEdge Development: Debugging and Troubleshooting.
The following table lists the DataServer log entry types in the server context.
Table 50. DataServer Log entry types (Server context)
Log entry type

Logs information about SQL queries. Similar to the legacy qt_debug,SQL option.
*Level 2 (Basic) — Logs details of SQL query preparation and execution.
*Level 3 (Verbose) — Adds bound values when prepared and/or executes SQL utilize bind parameters.

Logs information about cursor details. Similar to the legacy qt_debug,Cursor option.
*Level 2 (Basic) — Logs basic cursor details such as table number, client and server cursor identifiers.

Logs information about transaction details.
*Level 2 (Basic) — Logs messages when a SQL transaction begins or ends on the server or when a transaction is undone against the MS SQL Server and Oracle database.
*Level 3 (Verbose) — Adds messages for the beginning and ending of sub-transactions and when a transaction is undone.
*Level 4 (Extended) — Logs details about records locked in a transaction including the type of lock, lock upgrades, etc.

Logs details of connection attributes and related information. Mapped to the connection information formerly output with legacy qt_debug,SQL and qt_debug,Cursor.
*Level 2 (Basic) — Logs details about connection parameters set before and after connection. Logs connection pooling information for firehose cursors. Assigns a connection ID for connection identification in the log file.
Logs performance details in the server context.
For more information on log entry types of the DataServer server context and other log entry types specific to the server context, see OpenEdge Development: Debugging and Troubleshooting.
The following table identifies the logging levels and entry types for client and server contexts.
Table 51. Setting logging levels and log entry types
Operation Mode
Logging Option
OE Client
MSS/Oracle DataServer
Startup / connection
Logging level
-logginglevel, parameter
-Dsrv logginglevel, parameter
Log entry types
-logentrytypes, parameter
-Dsrv logentrytypes, parameter
-logginglevel, parameter -logentrytypes, parameter
-Dsrv logginglevel -Dsrv logentrytype
Runtime setting
Logging level
Logging level

1 logginglevel and logentrytypes specified in the ubroker properties file are for AppServer agents in the client context only.

2 To specify logginglevel and logentrytypes at startup for the DataServer's server context, continue to use the -Dsrv startup/connection options. logginglevel and logentrytypes specified in the ubroker properties file for a DataServer broker instance are ignored. The -Dsrv options specified within the srvrStartupParam of a DataServer broker instance are also ignored.

The following code example shows how logging levels and log entry types are set using the client startup switch:
-logentrytypes DS.Cursor:3
-logentrytypes DS.Cursor -logginglevel 3
In the following example, logging levels and the log entry type are set using the LOG-MANAGER system handle:
In the following example, the logging level and log entry types are defined using the -Dsrv switch.
-Dsrv logentrytypes,SQL:3
-Dsrv logentrytypes,SQL,logginglevel,3
The following example demonstrates the use of a DSLOG-MANAGER system handle with a DataServer DB-CONTEXT attribute.