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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Multi-tenant database : Tenant Data Recovery : Step 1: Restoring your database backup
Step 1: Restoring your database backup
The first step in the tenant data recovery process is to restore your most recent backup of your production database to a temporary location.
When you restore your backup, you may want to protect the restored database from updates by other users. You achieve this by putting the database in a restricted access mode. You can restrict access to the database by adding the restriction parameter to the PROREST command. The syntax is:
prorest db-name...[ -dbrestrict restrict-type]
where restrict-type is one of the following values:
*rollforward — Indicating that the next allowable activity on this database is rolling forward after-image files
*datamove — Indicating that the next allowable activity on this database is moving data with the datamove utility
Note: All other prorest parameters are valid. Adding -dbrestrict to the prorest command enables the same restrictions as PROUTIL DBRESTRICT. See PROUTILDBRESTRICT qualifier for details of the restrictions.
The restriction you place on your database during the restore is determined by your use of after-imaging:
*If you use after-imaging, your next step in the TDR process is applying after-image files to your restored database. Choose the value rollforward for restrict-type.
*If you don't use after-imaging, your next step in the TDR process is executing the PROUTIL DATAMOVE. Choose datamove as the value for restrict-type.
Restricting access to the restored database ensures that no changes can be made to the database before the TDR process completes. If you don't restrict access, a user could connect and make changes, resulting in the TDR process restoring incorrect data to your production database.