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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : After-imaging : After-image sequences : Sequence not required
Sequence not required
The following code sample demonstrates the steps for making a hot standby database using an operating system copy command. In this example, the target database does not need its sequence corrected:
# Update your source database by adding after-imaging extents
prostrct add production_db

# truncate the database BI file and mark as backed up
proutil production_db -C truncate bi
rfutil production_db -C mark backedup

# Activate after-imaging
rfutil production_db -C aimage begin

# Make a copy of the database using operating system commands
cp production_db* /db_standby

# Mark the source database as backed up
rfutil production_db -C mark backedup

# Fix the target database file specifications and make new database st file.
prostrct repair /db_standby/production_db /db_standby/
prostrct list /db_standby/production_db /db_standby/

# At this point allow updates to the source database
# Roll forward the first AI extent from production_db to standby copy
rfutil /db_standby/production_db -C roll forward -a production_db.a1

# Continue allowing updates and regularly roll forward the AI extents from
# the production_db to the standby copy.