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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : Failover Clusters : Results of enabling an OpenEdge database for fail over

Results of enabling an OpenEdge database for fail over

Enabling OpenEdge as a cluster resource creates the file <dbname>Resources.cluster. For example, if the database name is sports2000.db, the cluster resource filename will be sports2000Resources.cluster. This is a text file that contains names of resources dependent on the database resource. If the database was not enabled with any helper processes or performance enhancers like AIW, APW, BIW, WDOG, the .cluster file will be empty; otherwise, it will contain the resource names of the dependent resources as registered with the cluster manager. Do NOT edit or delete this file. Failover Clusters manages this file, and deletes it when the database is disabled.
* Database UUID file (HPUX 64 bit only)
* Changing the structure of the database
* Adding extents on a volume group or file system different from the database (AIX only)