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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : Failover Clusters : Results of enabling an OpenEdge database for fail over : Adding extents on a volume group or file system different from the database (AIX only)
Adding extents on a volume group or file system different from the database (AIX only)
Additional steps are required on AIX to add extents to a database on a volume group or file system that is different from the current location of the database. After modifying the extents with PROSTRCT, a file named PSC_CLUSTER_REG.TMP is created in the scripts directory located in your install directory. This file must be reviewed and executed.
Review the PSC_CLUSTER_REG.TMP file to make sure that it contains the correct path of all the added extents. This information is towards the end of the file with the title DatabaseDependency. If the paths are incorrect, see the following the procedure.
Note: Do not add extents to a volume group or file system already in use by another resource group.
To correct and register the new extents with the cluster manager:
1. Edit PSC_CLUSTER_REG.TMP and correct the paths for all the extents you added.
2. Change your directory to $PSC_CLUSTER_PATH.
3. Run the following command, which might take a few minutes to complete:bin/pscluster register scripts/PSC_CLUSTER_REG.TMP