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Database Administration
Maintaining and Monitoring Your Database : Dumping and Loading : Loading database contents : Loading table contents in binary format with PROUTIL : Recovering from an aborted binary load
Recovering from an aborted binary load
The procedure to recover from an aborted binary load depends on how much the binary load completed before the abort. If the binary load aborted during the sort phase (after all the rows loaded), then recovery entails running the index rebuild utility on the affected table. If the binary load aborted during the load of the rows into the database, there is a separate procedure for recovery.
To recover from a binary load that aborted during the loading of rows:
1. Truncate the storage area.
2. Restart the load operation.
You can determine which phase the binary load completed by examining the database log (.lg) file. In this file, you will see messages identifying the major phases of the load operation, such as:
*Binary load session started
*Record load phase started
*Record load phase completed
*Starting index build phase
*Index build phase completed
*Binary load session ended