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Database Administration
Reference : PROUTIL Utility : PROUTIL VIEWB2 qualifier

PROUTIL VIEWB2 qualifier

Lists the assignment of areas and objects with respect to alternate buffer pool processing.


proutil db-name -C viewB2 [ tenant tenant-name| group group-name| shared ]


Name of the database where you are viewing alternate buffer pool assignments.
tenant tenant-name
Specifies that the only the area and object assignments owned by tenant-name are to be viewed. If tenant-name is not valid, VIEWB2 exits with an error. Specifying tenant is only allowed on databases enabled for multi-tenancy.
group group-name
Specifies that the only the area and object assignments owned by group-name are to be viewed. If group-name is not valid, VIEWB2 exits with an error. Specifying group is only allowed on databases enabled for multi-tenancy.
Specifies that the only the area and object assignments of shared tables and objects are to be viewed. Specifying shared is only allowed on databases enabled for multi-tenancy.
VIEWB2 displays the alternate buffer pool assignments for objects of all schemas as well as area level assignments. Since objects in a Type II area can be assigned to an alternate buffer pool independently of their area assignment, each object in a Type II area is displayed regardless of the area status. Although objects in a Type I area cannot be explicitly assigned to the alternate buffer pool, they are individually listed to clearly identify the objects associated with a storage area when a storage area is assigned to the alternate buffer pool.

Sample PROUTIL VIEWB2 output

A sample of the output from PROUTIL VIEWB2, follows:
Area "Customer/Order Area":8 - Primary Buffer Pool
Object Enablement Type Object Name                    Partition/Tenant/Group
----------------- ------ -----------                    --------------------
Alternate Table PUB.Customer:2 <none>
Default Table PUB.Order:4 <none>
Default Table PUB.Order-Line:5 <none>
Alternate Index PUB.Customer.Sales-Rep:16 <none>
Default Index PUB.Order.Cust-Order:21 <none>
Area "Primary Index Area":9 - Primary Buffer Pool

Object Enablement Type Object Name                    Partition/Tenant/Group
----------------- ------ -----------                    --------------------
Alternate Index PUB.Customer.Cust-Num:12 <none>
Default Index PUB.Order.Order-Num:20 <none>
Default Index PUB.Order-Line.order-line:24 <none>
Area "Customer Index Area":10 - Primary Buffer Pool

Object Enablement Type Object Name                    Partition/Tenant/Group
----------------- ------ -----------                    --------------------
Alternate Index PUB.Customer.Comments:13 <none>
Alternate Index PUB.Customer.Country-Post:14 <none>
Alternate Index PUB.Customer.Name:15 <none>
Area "Order Index Area":11 - Primary Buffer Pool

Object Enablement Type Object Name                    Partition/Tenant/Group
----------------- ------ -----------                    --------------------
Default Index PUB.Order.Order-Date:22 <none>
Default Index PUB.Order.Sales-Rep:23 <none>
Default Index PUB.Order-Line.item-num:25 <none>


*VIEWB2 maybe run online or offline.
*For the Partition/Tenant/Group column:
*Entries preceded by P: indicate a table partitioned object.
*Entries preceded by T: indicate an object associated with a multi-tenant tenant.
*Entries preceded by G: indicate an object associated with a multi-tenant group.
*Index Objects with the form P:Global:0 are global indexes.
*Index or Table entries with the form P:Transitional:0 indicate the composite initial partition.
*Alternate buffer pool assignments for objects visible through ABL (in the PUB schema) can be updated and viewed through the Data Dictionary.
*For more information on assigning objects to the alternate buffer pool, see PROUTILENABLEB2 qualifier or the Data Dictionary.
*For more information on removing objects from the alternate buffer pool, see PROUTILDISABLEB2 qualifier or the Data Dictionary.