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Database Administration
Reference : PROUTIL Utility : PROUTIL TABANALYS qualifier


Displays information about the degree of fragmentation for each table in a database. Also displays summary information about record and LOB (if present) sizes for each table.


proutil db-name -C tabanalys [ area area-name ]
     [ tenant tenant-name| group group-name| shared ]
[-csoutput [ -fieldsep sep-value][ -csfilePrefix pref-name ]
           [ -verbose ]]


Specifies the database to display information.
area area-name
Specifies that TABANALYS is to be performed on the area-name area only.
tenant tenant-name
Specifies that TABANALYS is to be filtered to only provide information related to objects that are owned by tenant-name. If tenant-name is not valid, TABANALYS exits with an error. Specifying tenant is only allowed on databases enabled for multi-tenancy.
group group-name
Specifies that TABANALYS is to be filtered to only provide information related to objects that are owned by group-name. If group-name is not valid, TABANALYS exits with an error. Specifying group is only allowed on databases enabled for multi-tenancy.
Specifies that TABANALYS is to be filtered to only provide information related to shared objects. Specifying shared is only allowed on databases enabled for multi-tenancy.
Specifies that TABANALYS output the analysis data to text files in addition to the screen. The result is that the following files are created:
* — For table analysis output
*db-name .block.txt — For block analysis output
*db-name .lob.txt — For LOB analysis output
For more information about the contents of the files, see the Databaseanalysis output.
-fieldsep sep-value
When -csoutput is specified, sep-value indicates the value to separate the columns of output. A space is used by default. Accepted values for sep-value are:
*Any ASCII character between 0x21 and 0x7E
*sp — to denote a space (the default)
*tab — to denote a the TAB character (<\t> or ASCII character 0x09)
-csfilePrefix pref-name
When -csoutput is specified, pref-name indicates a file name prefix. The database name is used by default. All remaining elements of the file name are not customizable.
When -csoutput is specified, the first row of the output files contains header names for each column of output.

Output format

In a complete report where no optional elements are specified on the command line, shared objects (both partitioned and non-partitioned) appear in alphabetical order by name. Partitions of partitioned tables are ordered as follows: the initial partition, then the remainder of the partitions in alphabetical order by partition name.


The following output is a sample display of PROUTIL TABANALYS:


-Record Size (B)- ---Fragments--- Scatter
Table Records Size Min Max Mean Count Factor Factor
PUB.cust 26 1.7K 55 76 68 26 1.0 1.0
PUB.cust-list.Initial 0 0.0B 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
PUB.cust-list.list1 3 202.0B 66 68 67 3 1.0 20.3
PUB.cust-list.list2 10 645.0B 56 77 64 10 1.0 20.3
PUB.cust-list.list3 4 291.0B 71 74 72 4 1.0 20.3
PUB.cust-list-range.Initial 0 0.0B 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
PUB.cust-range.Initial 0 0.0B 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
PUB.cust-rvalue.Initial 0 0.0B 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
PUB.state 51 1.7K 29 40 34 51 1.0 1.0
50000 18.5M 368 406 387 50000 1.0 1.0


--- LOB Size ---
Table LOBs Size Min Max Mean
InvBlob1:5 400 55.1M 1.0B 976.6K 141.0K
InvBlob2:6 400 54.9M 1.0B 976.6K 140.4K
InvClob1:7 400 39.3M 1.0B 976.6K 100.5K
Subtotals: 1200 149.2M 1.0B 976.6K 127.3K

Summary for AREA "dbArea3": 9
Subtotals: 1200 149.2M 1.0B 976.6K 127.3K


Table owner and table name.
Total number of records in the database for the table.
Total number of bytes used in the database for the table.
Minimum number of bytes used by any record for the table.
Maximum number of bytes used by any record for the table.
Mean number of bytes used by any record for the table.
Total number of record fragments found in the database for the table.
Degree of record fragmentation for the table. This value is determined by the number of fragments divided by the ideal number of fragments (for example, if the data is freshly loaded). A value of 1.0 is ideal. A value of 2.0 indicates that there are twice as many fragments than there would be when the data is freshly loaded.
Use the Index value to determine whether to dump and reload your data to improve fragmentation. If the value is 2.0 or greater, dumping and reloading will improve performance. If the value is less than 1.5, dumping and reloading is not warranted.
Scatter Factor
Degree of distance between records in the table.
The best achievable Scatter Index value is that of a freshly loaded database. This is the baseline number against which you should compare future Scatter Index measurements. A value of 1 indicates that the records occupy completely contiguous database blocks. A value of 2 indicates that the records are scattered ten times wider than the ideal.
Use this value to determine the performance impact caused by fragmentation. If the value is 1.5 or greater, performance will be poor for sequential record access, and dumping and loading the data might be warranted. A value of 1.5 or greater might also reduce performance for random access; however, this depends on the system type and the application.


*The PROUTIL DBANALYS display includes the information displayed by PROUTIL TABANALYS.
*If you specify a specific area for analysis, and the area contains LOB data, but not the corresponding records, a warning message is issued indicating that totals cannot be calculated for the LOBs in the LOB Summary and Database Summary sections of the output.
*See Managing Performance for more information about database fragmentation.