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Database Administration
Reference : PROUTIL Utility : PROUTIL DBANALYS qualifier : Database analysis output
Database analysis output
The output of the database analysis tools, DBANALYS, IDXANALYS, CHANALYS, and TABANALYS, can be exported to a set of text files, in addition to the tabular reports output to the screen. These files are easily importable to an OpenEdge database or spreadsheet for analysis and trending. Both the naming of the text files, and the layout of the contents is configurable by command line parameters.
To create the text files, add the parameter -csoutput to the command line, as shown:
proutil db-name -C dbanalys -csoutput
The result is that the following files are created:
*dbname .ch.txt — For chain analysis output
*dbname .ix.txt — For index analysis output
* — For table analysis output
*dbname .block.txt — For block analysis output
*dbname .lob.txt — For LOB analysis output
DBANALYS produces all five text files; the remaining tools produce the text file(s) specific to the command plus the block file.
If you restrict the analysis to a specific area with the use of the area parameter on the PROUTIL command line, the file names are altered to include the area number before the final ”.txt” extension, dbname.blockarea#.txt. Any existing file is overwritten.
You can substitute the dbname prefix of the file name by specifying the -csfilePrefix parameter, and supply a different value. For example, if you wanted to add a date to the file name prefix, you could enter:
proutil proddb -C dbanalys -csoutput -csfilePrefix proddb_sep01
and the following files are created:
* Output file format