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Database Administration
Reference : PROMON Utility : R&D Activity Displays : Index
Displays information about index activity.

PROMON Index Activity display

The following shows a sample Index Activity display.
09/14/03         Activity: Index
17:09:35         from 09/14/03 17:01 to 09/14/03 17:07 (6 min)

                               Total      Per Min    Per Sec    Per Tx
Find index entry               0          0          0.00       0.00
Create index entry           312          1          0.02     104.00
Delete index entry             8          0          0.00       2.67
Remove locked entry            0          0          0.00       0.00
Split block                    0          0          0.00       0.00
Free block                     0          0          0.00       0.00
The display shows the following operations:
*Find index entry — The number of times an index entry was looked up
*Create index entry — The number of new index entries generated
*Delete index entry — The number of index entries deleted
*Remove locked entry — The number of old locks released at transaction end
*Split block — The number of block splits from adding indexes
*Free block — The number of index blocks freed during deletes