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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : After-imaging : Managing after-imaging files : Archiving an AI file : Extracting AI blocks
Extracting AI blocks
Extracting AI blocks from an AI extent compacts your AI data into the smallest possible file. Extracting AI blocks can significantly shrink the size of an AI file, particularly if you have large fixed-size AI extents which are not filled to capacity. Extracting AI blocks is beneficial in cases where you are using after-imaging to replicate data, perhaps at a disaster recovery site, and you need to minimize file transfer size.
Use the AIMAGE EXTRACT qualifier of the RFUTIL utility to extract AI blocks from an extent, as shown:
rfutil db-name -C aimage extract -a ai-extent -o output-file
The output file of extracted blocks is equivalent to the source AI extent. Use the file of extracted blocks with the RFUTIL utilities to roll forward a target database. For complete syntax information see RFUTILAIMAGE EXTRACT qualifier.
Note: Extracting blocks from an AI extent is only beneficial for fixed length extents that are not filled to capacity. There will be minimal savings of disk space when extracting blocks from a variable length extent.