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Database Administration
Protecting Your Data : Failover Clusters : Using the Windows Cluster Administrator : Adding a secondary broker
Adding a secondary broker
To add a secondary broker to a cluster-enabled database with Cluster Administrator:
1. Select Resources from the tree view.
2. Select your database resource.
3. Select File > New > Resource. The New Resource dialog box appears.
4. Proceed through the configuration of the new resource:
a. For Name, enter the name you want for the secondary broker resource.
b. For Resource type, chose Progress Database.
c. For Possible owners, chose the same hosts as you selected for your database.
d. For Dependencies, chose your database.
5. When you have completed the configuration, bring up the Properties dialog box, and fill in the Parameters table for the database resource as follows:
a. Enter the fully qualified name of the database for Database File Spec.
b. Enter the fully qualified path to the working directory of your OpenEdge install for Working Directory.
c. Enter the name of the command to start the database for Start Command. For example, C:\Progress\OpenEdge\bin\_mprosrv. Enter only the name of the command, not the complete command line to execute.
d. Supply the options normally specified on the command line to start a secondary broker in Start Options. For example, -pf
e. Leave Stop Command and Stop Options blank. Shutdown of the database is handled by the commands specified with the primary broker.
If you want to start more than one secondary broker, modify the procedure to specify a .bat file for the Start Command entered in Step 5. The .bat file must contain the command lines to start the secondary brokers.