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Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio
Working with Graphical Event Logic tool : Using the GEL tool in BPM projects : Adding value expressions : Value expressions in web applications
Value expressions in web applications
For Web applications, you can use the Value Expressions pane for additional value expressions used for complex expressions and date/ time operations.
You can drag and configure the following additional GEL actions.
*Complex Expressions: Used for complex expressions. The supported actions are:
*Number Operation: Used to perform arithmetic operations (add, subtract, divide, and multiple) on other value expressions. For instance, you can calculate the sum of values of two user-defined dataslots (or variables).
*String Concatenation: Used to perform String concatenation on other value expressions. For instance, you can concatenate the string values of two user-defined dataslots (or variables).
*Statistical Operation: Used to perform Statistical operations (sum, average, minimum, maximum) on multiple value expressions. For instance, you can calculate the average of values of two user-defined dataslots (or variables).
*Date/Time: Used for adding date and time expressions. The supported GEL actions are:
*Date-Only: Used to add a date expression in dd-mm-yyyy format. You can modify the default date by clicking the icon.
*Date/Time: Used to add date (in dd-mm-yyyy format) and time (in hh:mm:ss format) expressions. You can modify the default date by clicking the icon and the default time by using the arrow keys.
*Time Interval: Used to assign a time interval with days, hours, minutes, and seconds boxes. You can modify the default values in these boxes by using the arrow keys.