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Developing BPM Applications with Developer Studio
Defining and assigning performers : Defining performers : Defining an inline subprocess : Using the Collapse feature
Using the Collapse feature
You can define an Inline Subprocess using the Collapse feature by quickly selecting several related worksteps and creating a self-contained inline subprocess which is represented in the diagram as a single workstep.
1. Use the Select tool () from the palette to select a workstep or a group of worksteps. The Collapse feature is enabled only if all these worksteps match the criteria of a single point of entry or single point of exit.
2. Right-click the selected worksteps, then select the Collapse option to convert the selected workstep or group of worksteps to an inline subprocess.
3. The inline subprocess workstep is now indicated by an Expandable () icon (Figure 10). Open the workstep’s Properties view and assign a Label, Priority, and other properties, as required.
Figure 10. Inline Subprocess Workstep in Process Template
4. To view the inline subprocess, right-click the inline subprocess workstep and then select Open. The grouped worksteps view appears. The current subprocess, Subprocess 1 in this example, is contained under the tab of the parent process and is displayed in the drop-down list adjacent to the Up One Level () icon.
Figure 11. Inline Subprocess Opened in the Parent Tab
5. To move up one level and, in this example, return to the parent process, click . You can use to move up the chain of processes, or you can select a process from those listed in the adjacent box. The current subprocess always appears as the last name in the list of parent process and subprocesses; therefore, the combo box is disabled when the parent process is active.
6. If the worksteps you have grouped include Subprocess worksteps, you can drill down further into the subprocesses by right-clicking the workstep and selecting Open. To move up the chain, click or select from the parent process/subprocesses list, which displays all visited inline subprocesses.