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Business Process Portal Administrator's Guide
Managing users : Configuring user management : Using OEHybrid realm for Single Point of Authentication : Logging in with default Business Process Server's user credentials
Logging in with default Business Process Server's user credentials
To log in to Business Process Portal using the default Business Process Server credentials "admin" as the username and password, you must add the default admin user details to the _User table of the OpenEdge database that is associated with the OEHybrid realm. For more information on populating the _User table of an OpenEdge database, see the OpenEdge Single Point of Authentication (SPAInstructions.pdf) document in your OpenEdge installation directory at $DLC\src\samples\security.
Alternatively, you can add an admin account to the JDBC realm of an existing OEHybrid realm user and grant the user administrator permissions. For more information on creating users and managing user permissions, see the Managing user accounts.
Note: Before you log in to Business Process Portal, ensure that both the OpenEdge AppServer and Business Process Sever are running.
When you switch over to the custom OEHybrid authentication realm and log in to Business Process Portal using the admin user, the OpenEdge SPA service authenticates the admin user credentials against the OpenEdge database associated with the AppServer on which the service is running, while BP Server manages the user permissions.
Note: You cannot have a blank password to login to Business Process Portal. You must specify the username and password fields when adding users to the _User table of the OpenEdge database that is configured with the OEHybrid realm.