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Progress OpenEdge Business Process Modeler: User's Guide
Introducing Managed Adapters : Web Service Managed Adapter : Configuring the Web Service Adapter : Reviewing information on WSDL details : Verifying the Add web service
Verifying the Add web service
Follow the steps to verify the Add service example:
1. Click Reset to clear the values in the Test tab.
2. In the Value column, enter numerical values for the 'num1' and 'num2' inputs.
3. Click Invoke to invoke the operation and it passes the values you specified as parameters. The response message contains the sum of the "num1" and "num2" values, in the "AddResult" parameter.
Note: This example only applies to simple data. For Web Services where the outputs are complex types see the example in Figure 135. For cases where both inputs and outputs are complex data, testing is not supported. For more information, see Dealing with complex data types. For information on using XML output, see Using XML output for complex data types.